The HPHR Best of


As the designer for the Harvard Public Health review I was entrusted with their largest project; the best of book. It was my largest typographical endevour, and my first foray into art direction. I am still eagerly awaiting for it to finally go through production.

The cover was quite the accomplishment. It took so much back in forth with my boss, the illustrator I contracted, and myself. I originally started with just the typography, and then opened my boss to hiring an illustrator better than myself. I was able to direct the illusrator in style and subject matter. We initally were going for more social justice focussed cover but we had to scrap that in favor of the more representational cover depicting the numerous articles inside.

This is an example of one of the spreads from within the book. I read the “The Elements of Typographic Style” when I was first given this project. I essentially followed the books guidliness to a T for the perfect margins, the perfect text size and weight. As well as how to treat headers and subheads. I think that I absolutely killed the invisible design that is necessary for an interior of a book.

This is a full spread of the book. You can see the margins and justified type allow the text to feel open and inviting. There is also sufficient gaps between paragraphs to give the eye a resting place while reading the book.


This was definitely the largest creative project I have ever taken on in my design career. It spanned over months and I put all my heart into it.